Last night was our monthly BFF Night Out. It was my turn to pick where we went out to eat and what we did afterwards. I picked Casa Carbone for dinner and Ashton had been wanted to go back to the Longbranch since her birthday, so that is what we did.
First off Casa Carbone was really good, it is a cute little Italian restaurant. Inside was very nice there were little candles on all the tables and it had good ambiance. Ashton and Dennys had the fettuccine alfredo and I had the vegetarian lasagna. All I have to say is yummy, the lasagna was so good it took a little while to get our food but once it came it was wonderful. My lasagna had spinach and mushrooms in it and the marinara sauce was the best I have had. I forgot to take a picture of it but I was hungry and did not think about it till my food was gone :( Ashton and Dennys' fettuccine looked really good too.
After we ate we headed over to Longbranch which is a country bar with a huge dance floor. We had so much fun, we got to play pool in the sports lounge and line dance. BTW I really need to work on my pool game I was terrible :) What I really like about Longbranch though is that there are different areas for different people. In part of the Longbranch there is a club like area that plays all different kinds of music, so if country is not your thing you can still go and have a good time. While we were there, the band Honeysuckle Ridge played and they were awesome. I had not heard of them before but I am so glad that I have now.
Many thanks to Ashton and Dennys for going out last night, I had a blast and I hope you both did as well.
Casa Carbone picture was taken from their website: http://www.casacarbone.com/
Longbranch and Honeysuckle Ridge pictures were taken from: http://longbranchraleigh.com/
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